Thanks for taking time to look at this. I'm interested in learning about the reasons you listen to music in the design studio.
Using the form below I would like you to:
Nominate music tracks you listen to whilst in the studio
Tell me how the piece of nominated music (or that style of music more generally) contributes to your work (and this can be anything from blocking out distracting noise, to seeking out creative inspiration)
You can submit as many tracks as you want (for instance, perhaps you listen to different types of music at different times or for different purposes?)
The form can be submitted anonymously (for instance if you'd rather not share your taste in music with the world).
The information you share will help my thinking around the ways that students approach work in the Architectural Design class. I will also compile a 'studio playlist' and share it through this music/learning project I curate.
After you submit this form this page will refresh and you can submit another track.