It's back in! A combination of car travel and students missing appointments meant I had a bit of time to think and write about the observation and, on reflection, I think this could be a strong section. Or maybe it's the caffeine - I'll revisit this after this parents evening and see whether the idea is more or less flat than the cola.
Anyway, now that I've spent some time thinking about it, the section covering Observation of multimodal assessment in Architecture could be nice, short and take a sideways approach to the representation of ideas. Through the combination of text, images (individually embedded or perhaps as rolling sideshows) and the use of one or more Thinglink interactive images it could be a really interesting - and appropriate - way of presenting the gathered data. After all, why would I present an observation of multimodal assessment in predominantly conventional text form? Much better to try and match the representational to the content to be communicated. I also think would make for a more enjoyable and rich 'reader' experience. The observation would follow the Discussion and analysis of data section. It will consider what is observed both in relation to the collected data and also the literature. For instance, I'll think about common themes, differences and opportunities that emerge from the class asked practice that might inform the experience of online tutors. I won't go too heavy on the literature of reference to the data, partly to avoid repetition, partly due to word count and partly so that its more straightforward to write and read. I'm excited about this. I hope my enthusiasm sustains beyond the caffeine fix.
An e-mail conversation with Stephen Hunter from Intermedia art this afternoon:
So, there's still the possibility that I might be able to observe Intermedia Art taking place and also the subsequent assessment of the student's work.
I now have a confirmed date for an observation in Architecture - Friday 5th April. The specific arrangements, including timing and venue, are to be confirmed in due course.
Again, great (and speedy) support from the MSc course team, this time from Jen in response to my request for names of participants in her multimodal roundtable event: yes, good idea. Here are the possibly relevant people who attended - hope it helps! I'd wait til January to approach them, though - everyone is probably feeling at capacity this week. True to her word, Sian quickly contacted Dai Hounsell on my behalf in order to identify whether there was anyone he could suggest that I might approach with regard to possible crit observation. Here's Sian's e-mail (including Dai's response):
I'll draft my 'approach email' over Christmas and then send it at the very start of the new term. There doesn't seem much point in sending anything at this stage.
October 2013
TimelineOther stuff