I've had a quick look at Vectors journal, linked from the image below. Vectors came up during conversation during my recent meeting with Sian where we talked about the audience for my dissertation. Although we agreed that it was better (in the first instance, at least) to 'write' with an internal audience in mind and not to aim for an online journal such as Vectors, with a view to my own mode of dissemination, I think the publication could be a useful sources of inspiration. The introductory blurb on the website offers a nice description of the purpose of the journal and the approach it takes. I've highlighted below a line I particularly like, which offers a measured, sober description of how they favour a fusion between new and old media that extends ideas of traditional text scholarship, without proposing to replace text per se. Utilizing a peer-reviewed format and under the guidance of an international board, Vectors features submissions and specially-commissioned works comprised of moving- and still-images; voice, music, and sound; computational and interactive structures; social software; and much more. Vectors doesn't seek to replace text; instead, we encourage a fusion of old and new media in order to foster ways of knowing and seeing that expand the rigid text-based paradigms of traditional scholarship. Simply put, we publish only works that need, for whatever reason, to exist in multimedia. In so doing, we aim to explore the immersive and experiential dimensions of emerging scholarly vernaculars across media platforms. I'll come back to browse Vectors at a later stage and have thus left the according action within the things to do list in the side bar to the right.
October 2013
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